c. Physical ability to operate equipment (unit, stool, x-ray machine, etc.);
d. Manual dexterity to perform the fine motor functions associated with intra-oral
10. Please note that admission to Dental Hygiene is competitive and is based on the
academic qualifications of the current applicant pool.
Readmission of Returning Students:
Any student who must interrupt enrollment must re-apply to the Dental Hygiene Program
and, if accepted, placement will be determined after previous course work has been
evaluated by the Program Director. The evaluation may result in repeating a course
previously completed successfully for continuity of skill acquisition and/or professional
knowledge. Dental Hygiene courses more than two years old must be repeated. Students
who fail a Dental Hygiene clinical course must repeat both the clinical course and the
concurrent lecture course.
Additional Costs and Requirements:
Dental Hygiene students will be responsible for additional fees for uniforms, instruments,
liability insurance and membership in the Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
Additional costs will be incurred for licensure.
Additional Graduation Requirements:
In addition to College graduation requirements, the students must have a grade of C or
better in all dental hygiene courses.
The Dental Hygiene Program reserves the right to discontinue, at any time, the enrollment
of a Dental Hygiene student, if, in the judgment of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
and the Dental Hygiene faculty, the student does not appear to have the necessary
qualifications for dental hygiene. Any student who earns a “D”, “F”, or “W” in any Dental
Hygiene Course, will not be allowed to continue on to the next semester within Dental
Hygiene. If this is their first “D”, “F”, or “W” the student may re-apply to Dental Hygiene. The
Dental Hygiene faculty will determine which previously successfully completed courses, if
any, must be repeated by the student for continuity of skill acquisition and/or professional
If the student earns a “D” or “F” for a second time, it will result in permanent dismissal from
the Dental Hygiene program.
Any student who interrupts enrollment in Dental Hygiene for more than 1 year must repeat
all professional course work upon readmission.
For additional Health Science Division policies that apply to this program, please refer to Academic Regulations, Section R, Background Check of the college catalog.