ENGL 2131 or
American Literature I or
ENGL 2132 or
American Literature II or
ENGL 2141 or
African-American Literature I or
ENGL 2142 or
African-American Literature II or
ENGL 2210 or
Creative Writing or
ENGL 2220 or
Writing Non-Fiction or
ENGL 2230 or
Professional and Technical Writing or
JOUR 1110 or
News Writing or
JOUR 1111
Writing for Television, Radio, and New Media
Area G: COURSES REQUIRED FOR THE DEGREE ABOVE 60 HOURS ....................4-8
Physical Education – **Three PE courses; at least one to meet the Fitness Competency
Two-Year Total
*Critical Thinking Overlay-All Students must satisfy the critical thinking overlay. This
requirement must be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of one of the following courses. This
competency is usually satisfied in Area B or C.
COMM 1000 Cultural Diversity in Communication
COMM 1100 Human Communications
COMM 1110 Public Speaking
**See AREA G of the Core Curriculum for fitness competency requirement.***A B.A. degree at some institutions in the University System of Georgia requires foreign
language credit through the intermediate level. A B.S. degree at some institutions in the
University System of Georgia requires foreign language through the first intermediate course.
Depending on your enrollment status, you may be required to take DART 1000, “First Year Experience.” Please refer to Section 7 Academic Support Services Paragraph J