a. Visual acuity (with or without corrective lenses) to observe and perform technical
procedures; to identify and differentiate specimens, reagents and equipment; to
read laboratory manuals, procedures, policies, specimen labels and materials
pertinent to professional practice:
b. Physical ability to manipulate laboratory instruments and equipment in a manner
consistent with operational procedures;
c. Manual dexterity to operate laboratory equipment and use tools in a manner
consistent with operational guidelines.
Clinical Assignments
The Darton State College program director or designated staff will arrange clinical
assignments with the programs approved affiliates only. Students must be prepared to travel
to the clinical training facility.
Continuation in the Program
Students must complete each required course with a grade of “C” or better.
A student may repeat a single course in which the score is less than a “C.”
A student repeating a course in which an unsatisfactory grade was received will experience
a delay in clinical placement until the deficient course is satisfactorily completed.
A student withdrawing from the program or a program course may be considered for
admission in subsequent classes at the time of the next class selection.
First Semester
Sem. Hrs.
MLTS 1300
Introduction to Histology
MLTS 1310W
Histology I
MLTS 1310L
Histology I lab (clinical affiliate)
MLTS 1320W
Histology II
MLTS 1320L
Histology II lab (clinical affiliate)
MLTS 1330
Histology III (clinical affiliate)
Second Semester
MLTS 1340
Histology IV
MLTS 1350
Histology V
MLTS 1360
Histology VI
Certificate Total
NOTE: Students must score a “C” or higher in all Histotechnology program courses in
order to successfully complete each course. Satisfactory completion of the Darton State
College NAACLS Accredited Histotechnology Certificate Program provides the necessary
qualifications for National Certification Examinations.
For additional Health Sciences Division policies that apply to this program, please refer to Academic Regulations, Section R, Background Check Depending on your enrollment status, you may be required to take DART 1000, “First Year Experience.” Please refer to Section 7 Academic Support Services Paragraph J