admission. (Note: Grades in Nursing and Science courses will be examined as part of
the competitive application process) Lower division nursing course work may be utilized
to configure GPA.
6. Earned a grade of C or better in all nursing core courses.
7. Complete and sign the “Application for Admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Completion Program”.
(Note: Applications will not be considered complete unless all materials are received by the
deadline printed on the application form. These materials are described on the
application and include: letters of reference, essay, and your signature). Upon
acceptance into the RN to BSN Completion program, a criminal background check will
be required by the School of Nursing prior to any clinical courses. The student will be
responsible for the expense of the background check.
8. Print and use the recommendation form supplied by Darton State College
( found on the Darton State College nursing website ). Ask the person writing the recommendation to
place the completed form in an envelope with his/her signature on the back seal. Please
return the envelopes with your application packet.
9. Not have been excluded/dismissed from any other nursing program for any reason,
including (but not limited to) academic misconduct, disruptive/unprofessional behavior, or
program failure. A nursing course failure in another institution counts as a failure in this
a. More than one D and/or F in nursing courses will result in dismissal from the
b. Students who are dismissed from the RN to BSN Completion program due to
excessive D’s and/or F’s may reapply to the program at the discretion of the Dean
of Nursing or after waiting for a period of five calendar years;
c. Upon readmission into the RN to BSN Completion program, the student will be
required to begin the nursing program starting with the first semester of nursing
10. Be available for a potential interview after all application materials have been received.
The interview may be used in the selection process of RN to BSN applicants. This
interview is not a guarantee of admission into the RN to BSN Completion program.
11. Meet health requirements: After acceptance into the nursing program and prior to
starting any clinical courses in the nursing program the following are required:
A. Health history and physical examination;
B. Immunization requirements including measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B;
C. Tuberculosis screening;
D. Current American Heart Association CPR for Health Care Providers' certification;
E. Health professions student liability insurance;
F. Personal health insurance (proof required upon admission to RN to BSN
Completion program). Students who do not have health insurance must purchase
a USG student health insurance policy (SHIP). Fees for the USG SHIP will be
added to student tuition each semester. Students who are already covered by an
insurance policy (i.e., through parent plans, family plans, or employer-sponsored
plans) can easily opt out of the plan by applying for a waiver through a secure
online process. Once the information has been verified and approved, a waiver
will be processed and posted to the student’s Darton State College student
account. The waiver is only available for a specific time frame; therefore,
students must apply in a timely fashion or they will be billed for the USG SHIP.
Waivers are valid for 12 months; students must reapply each year to avoid being
charged for the USG SHIP. Students who fail to submit credible health insurance
and opt out online will automatically be enrolled in and billed for the system-wide
student health insurance plan. This charge will post to the Darton State College
student account. For more information regarding the student health insurance
plan or to submit a waiver, see
: https://studentcenter.uhcsr.com/darton