Any student who fails a RADS course will not be allowed to continue onto the next semester
of RADS courses. If this is the student’s first failure, the student may re-apply to the program
the following year. If the student fails a second time, or fails more than one RADS course, it
will result in permanent dismissal from the RADS program without a chance of re-admission.
If a student withdraws or leaves due to reasons other than failure, the student may re-apply
for admission in the following year. However, in any case, prior to readmission, the student
must demonstrate continued competency in the completed courses via examination and/or
demonstration with the program faculty to determine continued competency in previously
completed courses. If a period longer than one year lapses before readmission, the student
must reapply to begin the program from the beginning (occupational specific courses
repeated not general core). RADS courses more than two years old must be repeated. If a
student is dismissed due to disciplinary reasons, that student may not reapply for admission
for a period of five years from the time of dismissal.