COMM 1000 Cultural Diversity in Communication
COMM 1100 Human Communications
COMM 1110 Public Speaking
**If taken in a previous area, may not be used again.
***See AREA G of the Core Curriculum for fitness competency requirement.Listed below are the minimum requirements a student must meet to be admitted into an
undergraduate education program at a four-year college in the University System of Georgia.
1. Students must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on all attempted hours in the
System core curriculum in areas A-F, as required for teacher preparation.
2. Students must have passed PRAXIS I or GACE I.
3. Receiving institutions may establish higher admission requirements.
Depending on your enrollment status, you may be required to take DART 1000, “First Year Experience.” Please refer to Section 7 Academic Support Services Paragraph J