Bachelor of Science Degree
in Office Administration and Technology
The Bachelor of Science degree with a plan of study in Office Administration and
Technology is designed to prepare students for administrative, supportive, and supervisory
positions in business or industrial settings, professional offices, public institutions, and
government agencies.
Through the program, students develop proficiency in the use of state-of-the-art office
technology and equipment, office procedures and management, document processing and
design, communication skills, and decision making.
In addition, students obtain an extensive background in business administration which
helps to qualify for promotions to managerial positions. The academic course requirements
for the B.S. in Office Administration and Technology requires the completion of 60
semester hours of core courses, plus 60 semester hours of required courses.
Bachelor of Science Degree
in Organizational Leadership
The online Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership will focus on the practices,
theories, issues, parameters, and specific ramifications of organizational leadership. The
program is ideal not only for traditional students who wish to take advantage of online
course delivery but also for working professionals, military members, transfer students and
others seeking alternative routes to degree completion.
The Organization Leadership degree has options that allow adults to earn college credits
for knowledge gained from a variety of work experiences, professional training, military
service and professional certificate programs. These experiences may be documented
through transcripts from the American Council on Education (ACE), the College Level
Examination Program (CLEP), or presented in a portfolio that contains sufficient information
and documentation to affirm college-level learning. Students in the program will be able to
select a concentration in one of the following areas:
• Health Care Administration
• Legal Office Administration
• Office Administration and Technology
• Public Service Administration
• Spanish for Professionals for ESOL Instruction
Bachelor of Arts Degree
In Legal Assistant Studies
The plan of study in Legal Assistant Studies has the central objective of training persons
who are anticipating a career in support of the legal profession. The formal course work will
lead to an understanding of the fundamental constitutional context of the American legal
system. The student will also have the flexibility of choosing from several specific
substantive legal subject matters. The completion of the other requirements of the Bachelor
of the Arts degree will ensure the broad education expected of the liberal arts. The
requirement of a formal minor will ensure additional exposure to a related field. The
capstone experience for the student is an internship allowing the student to explore the
practical aspects of a career in the legal profession. Successful completion of the degree
will ensure that the student is qualified to take the national certification test for legal