2160 Visual Design
This is an introductory course in solving visual design problems. The course is an
exploration of the basic principles of graphic design production, as they apply to
the commonly-produced products in the graphic design field (logos,
advertisements, brochures, newsletters, etc.), typography, print production
techniques and considerations, and the basic elements of web page design.
Prerequisite: ART 2150 or permission of the instructor or consent of the Division
Offered: Spring.
2170 Web Page Design
This is an introductory course in designing websites for the Internet. The course
is an exploration of the basic principles of designing, creating, and maintaining
websites. The course introduces the fundamentals of designing web pages using
HTML code and commonly used web page layout programs.
Prerequisite: ART 2150 or permission of the instructor or consent of the Division
Offered: All semesters.
2180 Digital Photography
In this course, students will create digital photographic images by combining
fundamental photographic skills with digital camera technology and computer print
technology. Emphasis will be placed on camera operation, techniques, and
esthetics. Students will explore a range of both fine art and commercial
photographic applications.
Prerequisite: ART 2111 or ART 2150 or permission of the instructor or consent of
the Division Dean.
Offered: All semesters.
2190 Photographic Lighting Principles & Techniques
This is an introductory course in basic studio and location lighting principles and
techniques. The course is an exploration of the creation and use of lighting
arrangements as they apply to all specialties of commerical and fine art
photography. The course is composed of demonstrations and projects that will
explore the principles of artificial, natural and combination lighting. During the
course, the students will demonstrate their understanding of basic lighting
techniques through individual projects.
Prerequisite: ART 2111, ART 2180 or permission of the instructor or consent of
the Division Dean.
Offered: Fall.
2200 Professional Practices, Portfolio Preparation & Review
This is a course designed to prepare the student for entry into the business of
commercial and fine art. The skills learned are applicable to any specialty in the
field of commercial and fine art. The course is composed of lectures concerning
the business of commercial and fine art, visiting lecturers who are specialists in
their field, field trips to a variety of art establishments, research into the
requirements and expectations of potential employers, clients, galleries and
museums and directed preparation of each student’s professional portfolio.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Spring.