DMSP 1104 Pelvic Ultrasound
This course will explore the normal sonographic measurements, appearance and
cross sectional anatomy of the non-gravid female and male pelvis. The
musculature and surrounding vessels will be discussed along with all normal
Doppler findings. It will include all the hormonal changes that effect the
reproductive cycle as well as laboratory values associated with normal and
abnormal female health. A comprehensive sonographic evaluation of
abnormalities pertaining to all female and male pelvic anatomy will be investigated.
Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in all previous semester’s DMSP course
Corequistes: DMSP 1102, DMSP 1103, DMSP 1105.
Offered: Spring, first year.
DMSP 1105 Clinical Observations
This course is an initial introduction to the clinical environment. It allows the
student to familiarize themselves with the operational process and exam protocols
of their clinic site.
Prerequisites: Completion of all previous semester’s DMSP courses with a grade
of “C” or better.
Offered: Spring, first year.
DMSP 2111 Abdomen Ultrasound II
This is an advanced course in abdominal sonography. The sonongraphic
appearance of abdominal organ diseases and their processes will be examined.
Normal and abnormal lab values will be discussed. The normal and abnormal
Doppler signals of various organs will be evaluated. Special procedures of the
abdomen will be included, such as biopsies, paracentesis and various
interventional procedures. Sterile technique is included.
Prerequisites: DMSP 1101.
Offered: Summer.
DMSP 2112 Obstetrical Ultrasound II
This course presents fetal development and abnormalities from the first trimester
through the third trimester. The role of sonographers in performing
interventional/invasive procedures. Multiple gestations, amniotic fluid index,
congenital/genetic anomalies, viability, fetal monitoring, maternal factors, fetal
therapy and the post partum mother will also be evaluated.
Prerequisite: DMSP 1103.
Corequisites: DMSP 2112, DMSP 2113.
Offered: Summer.
DMSP 2113 Clinical Observation and Practicum I
This is an expansion of the clinical observations course DMSP 1105. Students will
begin their hands-on experience by entering patient data, recording patient history,
selecting the appropriate transducer for the exam, positioning the patient for the
exam and practicing the art of scanning.
Prerequisite: DMSP 1105.
Corequisites: DMSP 2111, DMSP 2113.
Offered: Summer.