2202 Environmental Science – eCore only
This course is an interdisciplinary course integrating principles from biology,
chemistry, ecology, geology, and non-science disciplines as related to the
interactions of humans and their environment. Issues of local, regional, and global
concern will be used to help students explain scientific concepts and analyze
practical solutions to complex environmental problems. Emphasis is placed on the
study of ecosystems, human population growth, energy, pollution, and other
environmental issues and important environmental regulations.
Prerequisites: none.
0099 Orientation to American Life and Culture
The ESL Culture class is an orientation course for international students whose
native homeland is not the United States. This course is designed to meet in a
traditional classroom and use class support through GeorgiaVIEW. The class will
also utilize text books, web sites, and group discussions in order to gain
understanding and adaptation skills. This course focuses on American culture,
culture shock, day to day life, adaptation/survival skills, educational systems, and
idiomatic expression.
Prerequisites: None.
Corequisites: Any one of the following: ESLL 0070, 0080, 0090, ESLR 0070,
0082, 0092, ESLG 0071, 0081, 0091, 0095.
Offered: On demand.
0071 Basic Grammar
This course focuses on basic English grammatical concepts and skills, including
parts of speech, spelling, punctuation, word order, and sentence building.
Placement: Placement from ESOL skills assessment test.
Offered: On demand.
0081 Intermediate Grammar
This course is designed to develop the students’ understanding of and skills at
using essential grammatical structures of Standard English in writing. It provides
a review of lexical and syntactic features of the parts of speech, phrases, clauses,
and the concepts of coordination and subordination as well as grammatical trouble
spots such as the idiomatic use of prepositions, verbals, and articles. It includes
paragraph writing and editing in preparation for the essay process.
Placement: ESLG 0071 with a grade of C or better or a qualifying score on the
ESOL skills assessment test.
Offered: On demand.
0091 Advanced Grammar
This course is designed to enhance the students’ understanding of and skills at
using advanced syntactic structures correctly and effectively in writing. It provides
a review of compound and complex sentence patterns of Standard Written English
as well as grammar trouble spots according to individual and class needs.
Placement: ESLG 0081 with a grade of C or better or a qualifying score on the
ESOL skills assessment test.
Offered: On demand.