1134 Advanced Scuba
As a continuation of Scuba 1, this course will expand the students knowledge and
skills of entering a confined aquatics environment and extend into advanced scuba
diving techniques.
Prerequisite: Open Water Diver Certificate.
Offered: On demand.
1137 Sailing
Includes the principles of sailing, rigging, the basic sailing maneuver of tacking, coming
about, jibing, mooring, & docking. Students are required to sign the University System
Release, Waiver of Liability form before participation in the course.
Prerequisite: Swim test.
Offered: On demand.
1139 Fitness Swimming
Involves cardiovascular training through endurance swimming. Includes
information on why such training is needed, how it is accomplished, and what
results can be expected. Red Cross Swim & Stay Fit Certification is available for
those who swim 10, 20, 30, 40, & 50 miles. Includes orientation to Darton State
College Fitness Center.
Prerequisite: Swim test.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1141 Folk and Square Dance
Introduction to the basic steps and figures of square dancing as well as the various
steps and music to folk dancing and line dancing.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1142 Swing Dancing
Introduction to the basic steps and figures of swing dancing. Covers dances such
as the shag, swing, hustle, lindy, jitterbug and other variations.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1143 Beginning Snow Skiing
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic skills of snow skiing.
Basic instruction will be given at the college with practical experience taking place
at a designated ski area. On slope skiing at a designated off-campus site is
required for successful completion of the course.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1145 Self Defense I
An introduction to self defense including striking skills and Jiujutsu. An emphasis
is on avoidance, defensive strategies, and basic escape maneuvers for self
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1146 Self Defense II
A continuation of self-defense I with an emphasis on ground fighting and weapons
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.