2210 Respiratory Care Practicum II
A continuation of RESP 2201. Emphasis will be placed on departmental protocols
and clinical guildelines. Students are introduced to the care of adult critically ill
patients in the Intensive Care unit. Mastery of active hyperinflation therapies, chest
physiotherapy, arterial blood punctures analysis, and continued concepts of airway
management. The student will be required to attend a compentency workshop
and successfully complete an intubation Rotation in the Operating Room as part
of this course. Students will be required to complete weekly logs and case studies
as part of this course.
Corequisite: RESP 2330.
Prerequisites: Current CPR, RESP 2201.
Offered: A-term Fall Semester Sophomore Year.
2220 Respiratory Care Practicum III
Practicum to support content presented in RESP 1136 and RESP 1137. Practical
experiences will occur in proportion to emphasis placed on the cognitive content
in the companion course. This course may also provide an opportunity for
accelerated or advanced students to explore additional clinical experiences
outside the usual program scope. Emphasis will be placed on the
neonatal/pediatric intensive care patient. Students will be required to attend and
pass the NRP course.
Corequisites: RESP 2210, RESP 2330.
Prerequisites: Current CPR, membership in the AARC, RESP 1100, RESP 1111,
RESP 1131, RESP 1132, RESP 1133, RESP 1134, RESP 1135, RESP 1136,
RESP 1137, RESP 1138.
Offered: B-term Fall Semester Sophomore Year.
2330 Credential Preparation
The course will focus on a review of essential concepts of Respiratory Care with
emphasis on content examined by the NBRC entry level and advanced level
examinations. Critical thinking skills will be reinforced through presentation and
discussion of case studies. Surveys of clinical research literature and journal
articles will be examined. Each student must take and successfully pass the
NBRC Self Assessment Exam as a requirement for passing the course and for
graduation from the program.
Prerequisite: RESP 2201.
Corequisite: RESP 2210.
Offered: Fall Semester Sophomore Year.
1100 Science, Technology, & Society
This is an interdisciplinary study of the role of science and technology in society
and daily life. Emphasis will be placed upon current advances and political and
social consequences.
Prerequisites: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place
into corequisite remediation or higher.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
2000K Principles of Research Methodology
This course is designed to teach students studying in science the basic principles
of performing a scientific research project. Each student will identify a problem,
perform a literature search, design and perform an experiment, analyze data and
present the results.
Prerequisites: BIOL 1108K, CHEM 1212K, PHYS 1112K or consent of Division
Offered: Spring, by demand.