These specialized advisory committees advise the College on the instructional programs
in the various specialized areas. Members of the committees are community leaders with
knowledge and experience in the designated area who are willing to devote their time to the
work of the committee and Darton State College. The basic term of membership on a
particular committee is three years.
Cancer Registry Management Program
Dr. Rana Bayakly, PhD
Ms. Debbie Chambers, CTR
Ms. Carol Crosby, CTR
Ms. Marilyn Richardson, RHIT, CTR
Dr. Kevin Ward, PhD, CTR
Ms. Paulette Zinkann, CTR
Cardiovascular Technology Program
Ms. Sally Bain
Mr. Donnie Bishop
Ms. Jody Vanden Bosch
Mr. Wes McDaniel
Ms. Connie Ellerson
*Dr. Steven Wolinsky
*Medical Director
Criminal Justice
Chief Don Cheek
Ms. Benita Childs
Ms. Sabrina Lewis
Ms. Gwen Meriweather
Ms. Kim Persley
Ms. Melanie Rodriguez
Dental Hygiene Program
Dr. LouAnn Best
Ms. Linda Cauley
Dr. Jeremy Darden
Ms. Tammy Deese
Dr. Stacey Marshall
Ms. Jessica Owens
Dr. John Redding
Ms. P. Ryals
Ms. Yuliya Whittington
Dr. Holland Wright
Ms. Debbie Zuern
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Dr. Lorenzo Carson
Dr. Clifford Church
Ms. Carol Warren
Dr. Suresh Lakhanpal