online catalog, reserve service, library instruction/information literacy programs, interlibrary
loan service, reference service and various other online services. Access to the
library homepage is available through the Internet or the
Darton State College Homepage .The
library website includes general information, forms, research instruction, hyperlinks to
suggested research sites on various subjects, GALILEO and GIL (library catalog). Georgia
Library Learning Online (GALILEO) can be accessed through workstations in the library or
through any computer using a web browser. Full text articles in core curriculum journals,
University System of Georgia library catalogs, encyclopedias, eBooks and over 200
electronic databases are all available through GALILEO. Newspapers, Georgia census data,
Digital Library of Georgia, Georgia state publications and other resources are also available
through GALILEO. The GALILEO initiative connects all libraries electronically and also
provides service between System libraries to support faster turnaround time for interlibrary
loans. Universal Borrowing is another resource sharing initiative through the Library that
allows USG patron’s access to circulating materials at all USG libraries. The Learning
Resources Center provides service to students attending other educational institutions and
the general public, provided such service does not interfere with its obligation to its primary
constituents. The Harold B. Wetherbee Library operates under Criteria for Accreditation
established by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges,
the policies of the University System of Georgia and the Rules and regulations of Darton
State College.
The library provides a variety of seating accommodations. Small lounge areas,
individual study carrels, study rooms and study conference or seminar rooms are available
in the library. A vending machine is located in the downstairs study area.
The library has a book collection of over 100,248 volumes, plus a continually changing
leased collection of current recreational reading materials. Audiovisual materials in various
formats are also available. The serial/periodical collection is made up of 263 titles. Back
issues of many of the periodicals are available in bound volumes or among the more than
37,056 units of micro materials.
In-house equipment items available for the benefit of patrons are VCRs, computers
including wireless, microfilm/microfiche reader-printers, laser printers, laptops, DVD/CD
player and digital reproduction equipment. Adaptive technology housed in the library
includes a magnification system, scanner and computer with Jaws, Zoomtext and Cicero.
Once enrolled in the College, each student should consult the latest Student Handbook
for more details concerning the library at Darton State College.
G. Military Opportunities
There are numerous opportunities with the military awaiting Darton State College
students who graduate with an Associate degree. The United States Air Force, United States
Army, United States Marine Corps, and United States Navy need a well-educated military
workforce and Officer Corps to accomplish their missions. Military recruiters schedule
regular visits with the Career Development Center and meet with enrolled students in Darton
State College’s Student Center to discuss military programs and career opportunities.
For additional information, visit the websites:
www.airforce.com www.goarmy.com www.marines.com www.navy.comH. Veteran’s Services
The Office of Military and Adult Education serves as the Veterans Affairs administrative
representative at the College. Please contact the VA Certifying Official, located in the Student
Center, room 103, to learn more about any of the military opportunities and veterans’ services
available to students at Darton. The VA Certifying Official may be contacted at (229) 317-
6538 o
r military@darton.edu .