General Education in the University System of Georgia
From the origins of intellectual study to the present, general education has been a key to a
fulfilling life of self-knowledge, self-reflection, critical awareness and lifelong learning.
General education has traditionally focused on oral and written communication, quantitative
reasoning and mathematics, studies in culture and society, scientific reasoning and aesthetic
appreciation. Today, general education also assists students in their understanding of
technology, information literacy, diversity and global awareness. In meeting all of these
needs, general education provides college students with their best opportunity to experience
the breadth of human knowledge and the ways that knowledge in various disciplines is
In the University System of Georgia, general education programs consist of a group of
courses known as the Core Curriculum as well as other courses and co-curricular
experiences specific to each institution. The attainment of general education learning
outcomes prepares responsible, reflective citizens who adapt constructively to change.
General education programs impart knowledge, values, skills, and behaviors related to
critical thinking and logical problem solving. General education includes opportunities for
interdisciplinary learning and experiences that increase intellectual curiosity, providing the
basis for advanced study in the variety of fields offered by today’s colleges and universities.
Approved by the Council on General Education, October, 2004
Approved by the Chief Academic Officers, December, 2004
For General Education in the University System of Georgia:
http://www.usg.edu/academic_programs/information/general_education_in_the_u niversity_system_of_georgia/
For additional information on the Core Curriculum Principles and Framework:
To read the General Guidelines for Core Curriculum Areas A-E: