functions of the didactic, lab and/or clinical education component. In the event of such, all
reasonable efforts will be made to meet the student’s limitations or restrictions. However, if the
student is unable to participate for a period extending beyond ten didactic class days or eighty
clinical hours, a Leave of Absence may be granted providing certain criteria are met.
The Leave of Absence must be requested using the appropriate form and given to the
Program Director (located in the programs’ handbook). For medical Leaves of Absence,
documentation on letterhead from the student’s physician stating the student is temporarily
unable to actively participate in the didactic/lab/clinical education component of the
program and must be attached to the Leave of Absence Request Form.
The student must be making satisfactory academic, clinical and professional
progress at the time of request.
The student must return within one year of the requested Leave of Absence for didactic/lab
and clinical courses, starting at the first semester not completed.
Upon return to the program, the student must:
Take a comprehensive written exam to verify didactic knowledge.
Undergo sonographic scan evaluations by the Program Director and/or the
Clinical Coordinator.
These exams must be completed during the semester prior to re-entry. Upon successful completion
of both written and scanning exams, the student will be placed in the appropriate courses. Students
failing one or both of the re-entry exams will be dismissed from the program and are ineligible for
The Program Director will grant Leaves of Absence in writing and will include an expected date of
re-entry. The student must reapply to the program by the midterm of the semester prior to re-entry.
Any re-entry exams and/or scan evaluations must be scheduled and completed prior to the stated re-
entry date at the initiative of the student.
Re-admission of returning students
If a final grade of lower than a “C” (below 75%) is made in any DMSP courses, the student will be
dismissed from the program, however, the student may apply for re-admission to the program in the
fall and re-enter the program beginning with the first course offered (DMSP 1100), if the space is
available. Availability is based on the number of clinical sites.
If the student makes a final grade of lower than a “C” in the same DMSP course or another DMSP
course after re-entering the program, the student will then be permanently dismissed from the
program, without the option for re-admission.