ENGL 2111 or
World Literature I or
ENGL 2112 or
World Literature II or
ANTH 1103 or
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology or
COMM 1110 or
Public Speaking or
GEOG 1101 or
Introduction to Human Geography or
PHIL 2010 or
Introduction to Philosophy or
ART 1100 or
Art Appreciation or
FIAR 2250 or
Humanities through the Arts or
MUSC 1100 or
Music Appreciation or
THEA 1100 or
Theatre Appreciation or
HIST 1111 or
Survey of World History I or
HIST 1112 or
Survey of World History II or
SPAN 2003
Intermediate Spanish III
Area G: COURSES REQUIRED FOR THE DEGREE ABOVE 60 HOURS ........................ 4-8
Physical Education – Three PE courses; at least one to meet the Fitness Competency
. See Core Curriculum, Area G, Health and Physical Education.Two-Year Total
Depending on your enrollment status, you may be required to take DART 1000, “First Year Experience.” Please refer to Section 7 Academic Support Services Paragraph J.