awarded to students who complete other two-year career programs. Certificates are awarded to
students who complete certain planned objectives or programs requiring less than two years of work.
The Darton State College campus consists of 180 acres and is located in west Albany. Twelve
buildings house the various activities of the college. The modern classrooms, labs, and the
beautifully landscaped campus offer students a picturesque setting in which to study.
( SEE INSIDE BACK COVER )The following is a list of the campus buildings with the offices or services normally accommodated
in each; however, some adjustments may be made because of renovation or new construction:
Academic Services Building-K (0016) -
The B.R. Tilley Academic Services Building houses
student support services and administrative functions including Admissions, Academic Affairs,
Business and Financial Services, Enrollment Management, Financial Aid, Human Resources,
Institutional Advancement, President’s Office, Purchasing and Records.
Allied Health, Community Service and Theatre Building-J (0015) –
Health Sciences Department,
Online Learning and the theatre.
Alpine Tower and Carolina Climbing Wall -
Located east of the Baseball Field. They are used
with a low initiatives course for team building and leadership training.
Classroom Building-B (0002) –
School of
Science, Mathematics and Computing, Dental Hygiene
facilities, the MESA Center, and a computer laboratory.
Classroom Building-L (0017) –
Nursing Department.
C.D. McKnight Building-F (0006) –
Houses the Humanities Department, Fine Arts Department,
Transitional Studies Department, Foreign Language Lab, and the Digital Media Center.
Classroom Building-I (0014) –
Houses the Business and Social Science Departments, laboratories
for Chemistry and Biology, computer laboratories, and the Math Center.
Physical Education Building-E (0005) -
Physical Education Department, Athletic Department,
including a Recreation gymnasium, the Cavalier Arena, a fitness center, and a 10 lane, 25 yard x 25
meter multi-use indoor heated pool equipped with two one-meter and one three-meter maxi flex
model “B” springboards on cement standards. Outdoor athletic facilities surround the building and
include a baseball field, soccer fields, softball field, eight all-weather lighted tennis courts, walking
paths and a 5K cross-country course.
Fitness Facility-E (0005) –
The fitness facility is located in E-105. It is equipped with Stairmasters,
Schwinn AirDynes, rowing machines, treadmills, Nautilus weight machines, and free weights.
Student Center-C (0008) –
Department of Campus Life, Student Success Program, Servant
Leadership and Service Learning, Job Placement, Military and Adult Education, Food Services,
Career Development Center, Disabled Student Services, International Student Program, the Writing
Center, the Student Government Association Office, the Peer Tutoring Center, the Game Room,
some public services and meeting rooms, an indoor climbing wall, bowling alleys, racquet courts,
and many more amenities to appeal to all students.
Technology Building-A (0001) –
Campus Mail Room, Grants Department, the Technology Services
Division, Technology Helpdesk, ID Booth and open computer lab.
Harold B. Wetherbee Library-G (0007) -
College Information Literacy Center, television
operations/studio area, and Testing Center.