the student’s expense. Students must obtain drug screening immediately after the request. Failure to
complete testing immediately may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from
the program. Darton State College reserves the right to request drug testing of any nursing student
at any time during the program. A mandatory drug screen is required (at the expense of the student)
after acceptance to the program and will also be required randomly throughout the course of the
To progress through the RN to BSN Completion program each student must attain a “C” (75%) or
better to pass any nursing course and have a satisfactory clinical performance. A student not obtaining
a passing grade of a “C” (75%) in a course, or receiving an unsatisfactory grade in clinical
performance, may repeat that course at the next available offering. Students may repeat one failed
nursing course (“C” = less than 75%), but may repeat it only once and will be dismissed from the
program if there is a second failure.
• Re-entry:
An RN to BSN Completion program nursing student who voluntarily withdraws from
the RN to BSN Completion Program must submit a request in writing for readmission
to the nursing program along with a completed nursing application form at least one
semester prior to the semester in which the nursing student wishes to attend. The
candidate must meet all of the admission/acceptance requirements, including an overall
GPA of 2.8 or higher in nursing courses that have been completed in the RN to BSN
Completion Program to be considered. Re-entry occurs on a space available basis.
Each student’s continued enrollment in the RN to BSN Completion nursing program is
based on physical as well as emotional health. Students may be referred to appropriate
resources if they develop evidence of physical or emotional illness. If, in the opinion of
the faculty, the student’s illness impairs their ability to implement nursing
responsibilities safely, the student may be asked to withdraw from the program until the
student can resolve the situation. Re-instatement will be considered on an individual
basis by the nursing faculty and will require a request in writing. The student must meet
all of the admission / acceptance requirements and re-entry will occur on a space
available basis.
• Dismissal:
Failure to meet progression requirements will result in dismissal from the RN to BSN
Completion program.
Unprofessional conduct, unsafe nursing practice(s), or unethical professional practice
will result in dismissal from the nursing program.
The RN to BSN student is responsible for fulfilling academic and clinical responsibilities in an honest
and forthright manner. The Darton State College Handbook contains a full description of these rights
and responsibilities and the disciplinary procedures that will guide the action of faculty and
administration should a candidate commit prohibited behaviors. In addition, academic dishonesty or
misconduct may result in dismissal from the nursing program. Students will be required to read the
Student Code of Conduct in the Darton State College Academic Catalog.
RN to BSN classes must be completed within three years of starting date and credit for classes taken
prior to this will be considered by the Dean.
Darton State College grants the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree to graduates of the RN to BSN
Completion nursing program. Although some students may satisfy degree requirements each
semester, there are only two formal graduation exercises each year--following Fall and Spring
semesters. General requirements for the degrees are as follows: