Health Sciences Department
Students must have completed all required Learning Support courses before admission to the program.
A certificate of completion will be awarded when all program certificate requirements are satisfied.
Fall Term
Sem. Hrs.
PHLE 1101
Phlebotomy I
Spring Term
PHLE 1102
Clinical Phlebotomy II
Additional Costs and Fees:
NOTE: proof of health insurance is required.
In addition to tuition, fees and books, costs include the following:
Liability insurance
$ 17.50
Uniforms/lab coats
Laboratory Supplies
(gloves, masks, face shields, markers & pens)
Specified Immunizations
Clinical Assignments:
Clinical assignments are made by the Phlebotomy Faculty with approved program affiliates only.
Students must be prepared to travel to their assigned clinical training facility.
Phlebotomy Re-Admission Criteria:
Students who do not progress in PHLE Program courses as outlined by the curriculum guide may be
considered for readmission provided:
They meet Darton State College admission criteria.
They meet PHLE Program admission criteria.
They do not have more than one “D” or “F” in program courses.
Course enrollment will be permitted on a space availibility and only if prerequisites are
For additional Health Sciences Division policies that apply to this program, please refer to Academic Regulations, Section R, Background Check.Administrative Withdrawals:
Students may be withdrawn from the program and/or from a clinical affiliate for lack of competence,
if determined to post a threat to the health or safety of others; for failure to comply with the Darton
State College Code of Conduct or failure to comply with the policies of a clinical affiliate.
Drug Screen and Criminal Background Checks:
Students may be subject to drug screens and criminal background checks as a requirement for
participating in program activities. Students are also subject to drug screens requested at random or
for probable cause.
Students may be prevented from participating in program activities until results are provided and they
are approved for return to program activities.