DMSP 2200 Superficial Structures and Pediatric Ultrasound
This course is designed to provide the student with an introduction to the assessment
of superficial structures, neonatal brain, and pediatric ultrasound.
The sonongraphic
appearance of related pathology and their processes will be examined. Normal and
abnormal lab values will be discussed as well as normal and abnormal Doppler signals of
various organs.
Prerequisite: Completion of DMSP 2111, DMSP 2112, & DMSP 2113 with a grade
of C or better.
Corequisite: DMSP 2201
Offered: Fall.
DMSP 2201 Clinical Observation and Practicum II
This is an expansion of DMSP 2113 with increasing responsibilities of the student
sonographer. This course allows student observation and participation in the clinical
setting with hands-on experience with patients and equipment.
Prerequisite: Completion of DMSP 2111, DMSP 2112, & DMSP 2113 with a grade of C
or better.
Corequisites: DMSP 2200.
Offered: Fall.
DMSP 2202 Introduction to Vascular Ultrasound
This course is designed to provide the student with a basic introduction to the assessment
of flow regarding the vascular system using ultrasound. The student develops the skills
necessary to perform basic diagnostic ultrasound studies for presentation to the physician.
The student 1) will review the physics of Doppler ultrasounds; 2) becomes familiar with
and is able to perform all abdominal Doppler exams, including transplant organs, and
intraoperative guidance; 3) becomes familiar with other exams such as peripheral
vascular studies.
Prerequisite: DMSP 2200 and DMSP 2201.
Corequisites: DMSP 2202, DMSP 2204.
Offered: Spring, second year.
2203 Ultrasound in Review
This is a comprehensive review course to prepare the student for taking the ultrasound
examinations appropriate for the general learning concentration through the American
Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS). The course will also prepare
students and provide guidance for obtaining employment in the field of Diagnostic
Medical Sonography.
Prerequisite: Completion of all previous semester’s, DMSP 2200 and DMSP 2201
courses with a grade of C or better.
Corequisites: DMSP 2202, DMSP 2204.
Offered: Spring, second year.
2204 Clinical Observations and Practicum III
An expansion of DMSP 2116; this course allows students to gain confidence in their
skills and the knowledge gained throughout the DMS program.
Prerequisite: DMSP 2116.
Corequisites: DMSP 2112, DMSP 2117.
Offered: Spring, second year.