d. Students must submit an official copy of high school transcripts (for students
whose graduation year would have been less than five years.)
Students must take the COMPASS placement test.
*Beginning December 2016, Darton State College will be transitioning to Accuplacer from
Compass. Students applying for admission after December will be required to complete the
Accuplacer Placement test. Compass score results taken within the previous calendar year
will still be accepted.
Entering freshmen who submit SAT I and/or ACT scores below 430 SAT I Critical Reading/17 ACT
English and below 400 SAT I Math/17 ACT math will be required to take the COMPASS placement
test. This test is given for three purposes: (1) to determine if a student is adequately prepared for
successful college work in English, reading, and mathematics, (2) to recommend required Learning
Support courses.
The following guidelines concerning Learning Support apply to transfer students:
a. Transfer students who were in Learning Support at the sending institution must provide
scores for placement purposes. The scores may be obtained from the previous institution or
by retesting at Darton State College.
b. Transfer students for whom the college transcript reads “Exited Learning Support” or
“exited” in a specific subject area will not be required to present scores and will be
considered “exited” at Darton State College.
c. All transfer students without transfer credit (C or better) in college mathematics will be
required to provide scores for the Mathematics and Reading portions of COMPASS test. All
transfer students without transfer credit (C or better) for college English will be required to
provide scores for the English and reading portions of the COMPASS test.
After all admissions requirements have been satisfied, the applicant, if determined eligible for
admission, will be accepted for enrollment and assigned to one of the following student
classification categories:
into the credit transfer programs or credit career
programs. Certain specialized programs have additional admissions requirements and
admission to the College does not imply acceptance to these programs. Within the
classification of unconditional enrollment, a student will be further classified as freshman,
sophomore, dual enrollment, transient, irregular, audit or post-baccalaureate.
into Learning Support. Those students whose
COMPASS test scores or comparable College Placement Examination scores indicate an
academic deficiency in one or more of the areas tested are granted conditional acceptance and
are required to remove all deficiencies prior to being admitted unconditionally. Scores below
74 in reading, below 60 in English and below 37, or below 47 in certain majors, in algebra on
the COMPASS test will require one or more Learning Support courses in a given deficiency
area. The University System of Georgia has mandated that students who place in all three
areas of learning support are no longer eligible for admission. Students requiring remediation
must enroll in these courses first each semester before enrolling in any credit work. Students
needing to satisfy CPC math requirements are required to do so by satisfactory completion of
Learning Support math.
is granted to those students whose program of study
requires the College Preparatory Curriculum and who are deficient in one or more areas of
this curriculum. Beginning fall 2015, courses taken to meet deficiency requirements must be
completed within the first 30 hours of college work. Science deficiencies may be removed by
completing either BIOL 1110 or CHEM 1151; social science deficiencies may be removed by