1311 Adult Health (Health Care Professional Bridge)
The course emphasizes quality and safety in nursing education core competencies, as it
relates to the provision of patient centered care to people experiencing respiratory,
circulatory, renal, digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal and neurological alterations.
Common health care alterations which are chronic in nature and that may require surgical
intervention are emphasized. Teamwork, informatics, quality improvement and evidence
based practice are essential components in the course. Development of personal
responsibility and ethical behavior is acquired through supervised lab performance and
clinical experiences with selected patients.
Prerequisites: NURS 1301, NURS 2313 and BIOL 2112K with grades of C or better.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Spring.
2111 Nursing Care of Women and Children
NURS 2111 explores the roles of the nurse in safely providing quality, patient centered
care within an interdisciplinary structure to meet the needs of families who have children.
Applies principles of health promotion from the antepartal period through adolescence
and examines human growth, development and resopnses to health deviation during these
periods in the life cycle. Patient centered care and quality improvement are the central
focus in the course. Informatics is emphasized when providing safe patient care.
Classroom and clinical instruction involves providing nursing care to antepartal,
intrapartal, postpartal and pediatric patients and incorporating evidence based practice
and previously learned knowledge and skills.
Prerequisites: NURS 1112 and NURS 2113 with grades of C or better.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Every semester.
2113 Psychiatric Nursing
This course focuses on the physiological, emotional, behavioral and sociocultural aspects
of mental health and mental illness. The nurse’s role as a collaborative member of the
behavioral health team is introduced. The course content is centered on evidence based
practice and quality improvement. Informatics is a component in the course. The clinical
rotations give the adult learner the opportunity to apply this knowledge to provide safe,
effective patient centered care in a therapeutic milieu.
Prerequisite: NURS 1111 with a grade of C or better.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Every semester.
2115 Adult Health III
The final course in the Nursing program is designed to emphasize care of patients with
complex acute as well as chronic multisystem disorders and medical-surgical alterations.
Supervised clinical experiences in high acuity unit will facilitate continued growth of
student’s professional practice. Components of the course include: patient centered care,
evidence based practice, collaboration, informatics and quality improvement. Supervised
leadership roles in the clinical arena are provided for the students to enhance their
management skill while directing their colleagues in providing safe patient care that
meets entry level standards.
Prerequisite: Completion of all Nursing and core courses with grades of C or better.
Offered: Every semester.