1171 Bowling I
An introduction to the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to bowl. Includes
instruction in basic mechanics (stance, approach, and delivery), spot bowling, spare
bowling, score keeping, and rules.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Every semester.
1172 Bowling II
Designed to improve upon and add to the skills and knowledge developed in Bowling I.
Includes a review of the basics and then emphasizes skill analysis, spot bowling, and
spare bowling.
Prerequisite: PHED 1171 or permission of instructor.
Offered: On demand.
1173 Tai Chi
Tai Chi is one of the most effective exercises for physical and mental well-being. It is
one of the best-known martial arts from ancient China, and is based on Qigong and
martial art techniques from thousands of years ago. Students will also learn its history,
philosophy, and how to build a personal practice.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1175 DC Fit
A wellness program that challenges the student to become more physically active, eat
better, and jump-start a healthier life-style. This course will include a mini health fair,
fun physical activities and online modules. DC Fit staff will perform an entry and exit
Prerequisites: Darton faculty/staff.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: On demand.
1177 Tango Dancing
This course is designed to introduce the student to the fundamental of the tango dance
technique. Emphasizes and develops correct body alignment, coordination, strength,
flexibility, rhythm, and movement awareness. Includes tango dance vocabulary and
various types of tango dance.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1178 Jazz I
This course is designed to introduce the student to the fundamental of jazz dance
technique. Emphasizes and develops correct body alignment, coordination, strength,
flexibility, rhythm, and movement awareness. Includes jazz dance vocabulary and simple
jazz dance combinations.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1179 Jazz II
This course is designed to continue development of jazz dance techniques at the advanced
beginning/intermediate level. Emphasizes increased stamina, strength, control, vocabulary
and musicality.
Prerequisite: PHED 1178.
Offered: On demand.