SERVICE LEARNING COMPONENT – PSYC 2225, Introduction to Abnormal
A survey of the symptoms, causes and treatments of the various categories of mental
disorders listed by the American Psychiatric Association in the current edition of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM).
Prerequisite: PSYC 1101.
Corequisite: PSYC 2225.
2226 Introduction to Social Psychology
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of social psychology.
Included are topics such as: social judgments, the formation of attitudes, gender and
diversity, the perception of other people, conformity and obedience, group influence,
prejudice, aggression, and conflict and peacemaking.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1101.
Offered: All semesters.
SERVICE LEARNING – PSYC 2226, Introduction to Social Psychology.
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of social psychology.
Included are topics such as: social judgments, the formation of attitudes, gender and
diversity, the perception of other people, conformity and obedience, group influence,
prejudice, aggression, and conflict and peacemaking.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1101.
Corequisite: PSYC 2226.
1100 Introduction to Physical Therapy
Explanation of the philosophy and history of the physical therapy profession and its
relationship to other health care agencies and providers. Topics include: introduction to
the structure and function of the American Physical Therapy Association, the
development of the Physical Therapy Association, medical-legal aspects and professional
ethics, critical thinking/problem solving and an introduction to documentation.
Prerequisite: Admission to PTA program.
Corequisites: PTAS 1110, PTAS 1115, PTAS 1125.
Offered: Fall.
1105 Orientation to Patient Care Skills
Orientation of basic concepts and procedures of patient care in physical therapy. Topics
include documentation and chart review, basic administrative skills, teaching and
learning principles, patient positioning and draping, body mechanics, vital sign
monitoring, transfers, assistive devices and gait training, infection control, aseptic
techniques, architectural barriers and accessibility, special patient care requipment and
environment and basic soft tissue techniques.
Prerequisites: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1110, PTAS 1115, PTAS 1125.
Corequisites: PTAS 1121, PTAS 1130, PTAS 2010.
Offered: Spring.
1110 Functional Anatomy & Kinesiology
Understanding of human movement and its impact on function through the integration of
biomechanics, kinesiology and applied anatomy. Principles will be reinforced through a
problem-solving approach. Goniometric measurements, manual muscle testing, and
palpation skills of the upper extremity, lower extremity, trunk, and head will be included.
Corequisites: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1115, PTAS 1125.
Prerequisite: Admission to PTA Program.
Offered: Fall.