Section Twelve
Darton State College is one of 30 institutions in the University System of Georgia. The University
System of Georgia consists of four research universities, four comprehensive universities, 9 state
universities, and 13 state colleges.
( See list on next page .)The University System of Georgia is a network of colleges governed by a 19-member constitutional
Board of Regents, which has been in operation since 1931. Appointments of Board members are
made by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the State Senate. Regular terms of Board
members are seven years. State appropriations for the University System are requested by, made to,
and allocated by the Board of Regents.
The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and other officers of the Board of Regents are elected by the
members of the Board. The Chancellor, who is not a Board member, is the chief executive officer of
the Board and the chief administrative officer of the University System.
Each institution in the University System is governed by the President and faculty under the general
jurisdiction of the Chancellor and the Board of Regents. The policies of the Board of Regents allow
considerable autonomy, and each college is headed by a President whose election is recommended
by the Chancellor and approved by the Board.
The overall programs and services of the University System are offered through three major
components: Instruction, Public Service, and Research. Students who receive credit from
institutions within the System enjoy easy transfer of courses, a major advantage for those attending
System colleges.
INSTRUCTION consists of programs of study leading to degrees, ranging from the associate (two-
year) level to the doctoral level. Many colleges have certificate programs as well. The degree
programs range from the traditional liberal arts studies and professional or highly specialized
programs to job specific career education.
RESEARCH encompasses scholarly investigations conducted for discovery and application of
knowledge. Most of the research is conducted through the universities; however, some of it is
conducted through several of the senior colleges. The research investigations cover matters related
to the educational objectives of the institutions and to general societal needs.