Section Six
The College subscribes to a holistic approach to education. The Student Affairs Division includes
Campus Life, Student Success, Enrollment Management, Career Development Center, Academic
Advising, Disability Services, Student Counseling, Peer Tutoring, international student services,
Testing Center, Housing, and Student Conduct.
The purpose of the Department of Campus Life Program is to complement the instructional program
of the college by providing out-of-class recreational, social, cultural, and educational opportunities.
Student Services Committee
- It is the responsibility of Campus Life to provide a variety of
programming to the campus community. This program can be social, cultural, education and/or
recreational in nature. The professional staff in conjunction with our student programming
committee are responsible for implementing programming to the campus community.
Individual students, chartered clubs, and organizations are encouraged to develop programs that
meet the special needs of the campus community. All programs and activities must be approved by
Campus Life staff and/or the Vice President for Student Affairs. The Peer Tutoring Program,
intramural sports, family activities, beach parties, variety programs, clubs, plays, and concerts are
just a few examples of programs offered through Campus Life.
Peer Tutoring Program –
Peer tutoring in most areas of study is available free of charge to Darton
students. Interested students should check with their instructors or in C-103I for more information.
Online only students may call 229-317-6738 to inquire about at-a-distance peer tutoring.
Intramurals and Recreation
– The Office of Campus Recreation supports the mission of the
Department of Campus Life by providing quality, comprehensive, recreational programs to the
students, faculty and staff of Darton State College. The Office of Campus Recreation strives to
promote personal growth and healthy lifestyles by providing participatory recreational experiences
to the Darton State College community.
Student Clubs
- Clubs are organized if an interest and need is shown. A listing of these clubs may
be found in the Student Handbook, along with the procedures for organizing and chartering.
Student Government Association
–The purposes of the SGA are to serve as a liaison for
communication between the students of Darton State College and the faculty and administration; to
serve in an advisory capacity to the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs; and to
be the official voice of the students of Darton State College.
The Student Success Program is located on the first floor of the Student Center, C-103. Office hours
are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. or after 5:00 p.m. by appointment. The
Student Success Program is designed to help students develop ways to be successful and will assist
students in setting goals, managing time, exploring campus resources, communicating more
effectively, improving study skills, enhancing test taking strategies, and developing
career/educational plans. Other ways the Student Success Program can assist students include:
Personal Counseling-
Darton State College students may seek short-term personal
counseling from qualified counselors for any academic/nonacademic problem that is
interfering with their ability to achieve academic success.
Academic Advising-
Students who have undecided guided pathways receive academic