Darton State College’s Physical Education Requirements for Graduation
Transfer Student to
Graduate AA and AS
Three PE courses. One to fulfill
the Fitness Competency
Required for Graduation
Three PE courses. One to
fulfill the Fitness Competency
Required for Graduation
Exempt from all Physical
Education Requirements
1 credit for PE activity course
(Area G). Fitness competency
required for graduation.
Online Only
Three PE courses. One to fulfill
the Fitness Competency
Required for Graduation
Three PE courses. One to
fulfill the Fitness Competency
Required for Graduation
Career Student to
Graduate AAS and AS
Exempt from all Physical
Education Requirements
Dental Hygiene
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Health Information Technology
Human Services
Medical Laboratory Technology
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Physical Therapy Assistant
Radiologic Science
Respiratory Care
Fitness Competency
Required for Graduation
Albany State University
– Darton State College and Albany State University have an agreement
whereby Nursing and Military Science students may attend Darton State College for approximately
two academic years and then transfer to Albany State University to complete a bachelor’s level
The career programs are designed for students whose primary educational goal is a two-year
Associate Degree or a certificate based on a planned occupational program. They also apply equally
to students already in occupations who desire to upgrade their educational level. In general,
however, they are designed for students who will enter their career at the end of one or two years of
college and may or may not continue their college education.
The courses making up the career programs have been selected to give the student the best possible
background needed for employment following the completion of the program. Therefore, some of
the courses listed in each of the programs may not be transferable to other institutions because they
may not offer comparable courses. If in doubt as to whether a particular course will transfer to
another institution, students are encouraged to consult their advisors or contact the other institution
The College reserves the right to discontinue, at any time, the enrollment of a student in a career
program if, in the judgment of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the particular