Physical Ability
– Having the physical capacity to safely lift patients and
equipment weighting at least 180lbs. with a partner, and have the stamina to
perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Speaking Ability
– Having the capacity to acquire a medical history and other
details regarding the subjective assessment from the patient, family members,
and/or bystanders and communicate those findings in various manners to
coordinate patient care.
Manual Dexterity
– Having the capacity to perform intravenous catheterization, fill
syringes, and perform other task(s) often associated with effective hand-eye
Mental Stress
– Having the capacity to perform without hesitation and with
coordinated control, the skills of an EMT during times of mental stress, display
principles of patient care consistent with the community standard, and respond
positively to correction and modify behavior as required.
Additional Costs and Fees
1. Professional liability insurance is required prior to clinical assignment. Fees are
assessed as part of the student’s tuition and fees.
2. The student must assume responsibility for his/her own health in the event of an
illness, an accident, or exposure to communicable disease. Associated expenses
will be the responsibility of the student.
3. Students are required to have approved uniforms and equipment as described in
the program handbook. Associated expenses are not assessed in advance and
will be the responsibility of the student.
4. Students are required to have received all necessary immunization as listed in the
program handbook. Associated expenses are not assessed in advance and will be
the responsibility of the student.
5. Each student will be held accountable for participating in the required Life Support
courses. Associated expenses are not assessed in advance and will be the
responsibility of the student at the time of the course.
6. Students are required to take a comprehensive self-assessment prior to
graduation. Fees are assessed in the graduating semester as part of the student’s
tuition and fees.
7. Upon completion of the required curriculum, those students with a minimum of 2.0
will be eligible to take the NREMT cognitive and practical examinations. Upon
releasing the student for registry examination, it is expected that the student will
complete the exam process within 30 days. Fees associated with the National
Registry cognitive examination (first attempt only) will be assessed during the
spring semester. The student will be responsible for National Registry practical
examination site fees.
For additional Health Science Division policies that apply to this program, please refer to Academic Regulations, Section R, Background Check .