14. ASN students must have completed all core courses required in the nursing program
prior to enrolling in the last semester (NURS 2115) of the nursing program.
15. Darton State College students seeking a degree no longer have to take the Regents’ Test
in order to graduate. Darton State College was granted Regents’ Test exemption status; this
means that the skills measured by the Regents’ Test are measured within the core
curriculum. Specifically, at Darton State College, a student is considered to have met the
Regents’ Testing requirements by earning a grade of C or better in both ENGL 1101 and
ENGL 1102. A student who takes ENGL 1101 and/or ENGL 1102 and does not earn a C or
better is required to re-enroll in the class the following semester. The student will also be
required to complete the Intensive Composition and Reading Review workshop concurrently
with the repeated ENGL 1101/ENGL 1102 course.
16. Students will demonstrate clinical competency of 100% accuracy in computation of
medication dosages in NURS 1111, NURS 1112, NURS 1311, NURS 2111, NURS 2311,
NURS 2113, NURS 2313, and NURS 2115. At the minimum, a student must demonstrate
100% accuracy on one written/computer evaluation of dosage calculations each semester.
A maximum of three opportunities per semester will be provided to score 100% proficiency.
The first two math exams will occur prior to the last day to withdraw from a course without
penalty (drop day). If a student chooses to take the 3rd math exam after drop day, and does
not score 100%, he/she will receive a clinical failure for calculation of medication dosage. If
the student drops prior to the 3rd attempt (before drop day), he/she will be eligible to register
for the course again, provided all the other entry requirements are met. Prior to each
subsequent math exam (math exam 2 and/or 3), students will be required to spend three
hours in ATI math remediation (or other approved remediation tools as assigned by your
instructor), and submit a remediation plan, including strengths and weaknesses. Failure to
do the required math remediation or submit a remediation plan will result in an inability to
take the math exam.
17. The Division of Nursing reserves the right to discontinue, at any time, the enrollment of a
nursing student if, in the judgment of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the nursing
faculty, the student does not demonstrate the necessary qualifications for a nursing career.
This includes, for example, cheating in any form, unprofessional conduct, violation of Darton
State College’s student code of conduct and/or any behavior/conduct deemed unbecoming
of a Darton nursing student.
18. The faculty, staff, and students in health care programs shall uphold professional and
ethical standards.
19. A student may withdraw
only once
from any given nursing course and
no more
three times throughout the duration of the nursing program.
20. Core performance standards* for admission and progression in the nursing program are:
• Critical-thinking ability sufficient for clinical judgment as evidenced by the ability to identify
the cause/effect relationships in clinical situation, and develop nursing care plans.
• Interpersonal abilities sufficient for interaction with individuals, families, and groups from
various social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds as evidenced by the ability
to establish rapport with patient/clients and colleagues.
• Communication abilities sufficient for verbal and written interaction with others as
evidenced by the ability to explain treatment procedures, initiate health teaching, and
document and interpret nursing actions and patient/client responses.