https://studentcenter.uhcsr.com/darton .Professional liability insurance is also required and
is included in student fees.
6. All Nursing students are required to join the Darton State College GANS Chapter to
enhance professional development.
7. All nursing students will be required to pay for a one-time, criminal background check
which includes drug screening, on admission to the program. This information will be
available to all clinical facilities.
*If the student has a conviction in the criminal background
check, the student may not be permitted in a particular practice setting. Students should
note that prior felony charges/convictions are typically not allowed clearance into most
healthcare settings. Since clinical is required to be successful in the nursing program, caution
should be taken in circumstances where a student has prior charges/convictions.
8.Ifdrug abuse is suspected, the student will be required (at his/her own expense) to be
tested. Darton State College reserves the right to request drug testing of any nursing student
at any time during the program. A mandatory drug screen is required (at the expense of the
student) after acceptance to the program and will also be required randomly throughout the
course of the program.