MUSC 1152 Instrumental Ensemble
A performing ensemble open to college students and community members.
Repertoire includes all types of traditional selections in accordance with proficiency
levels of participants, but is challenging.
Prerequisite: Audition or approval of instructor.
Corequisite: Enrollment in MUSC 1070 College Orchestra 1, MUSC 2070 College
Orchestra 2, MUSC 1080 College Band 1, or MUSC 2080 College Band 2.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 1153 Vocal Ensemble
A performance ensemble with limited enrollment determined by audition.
Repertoire includes traditional and contemporary selections in accordance with
proficiency levels of participants. This performing ensemble dedicated to the study
of choral music.
Prerequisite: Audition or approval of instructor.
Corequisite: Enrollment in MUSC 1090 College Choir 1 or MUSC 2090 College
Choir 2.
Offered: Fall and Spring.
MUSC 1171 Class Piano
Designed to enable the student studying music to sucessfully complete the piano
proficiency exam required for graduation. Students should enroll in MUSC 1171 in
successive semesters until all items of the exam are complete. Only students
studying music may enroll.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: All semesters.
MUSC 1172 Sight-Singing/Ear Training
This course is designed to develop sight-singing skills involving ear-training and
rhythmic studies. Course components include sight-singing, melodic and harmonic
dictation, and rhythmic exercises. Students are expected to sing with
the class and alone as assigned. This course is designed to enable the student
studying music to successfully complete the sight-singing/ear training proficiency
exam required for graduation. The student should enroll in MUSC 1172 in
successive semesters until all items of the proficiency exam are completed.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: All semesters.
MUSC 1182 Seminars in Church Music I
This course is an introduction to church music for students pursuing a Church
Music Certificate. Students expand their knowledge of church music related topics
for understanding and future application in the church environment. Students
study, prepare, and refine various skills required of the position of Church Music
Director/Leader. Presentations of church music related topics and areas of
interests will be conducted. This course is limited to students in the Church Music
Certificate Program.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.