1310W Histology I
This course emphasizes some of the competencies required to perform routine
histological procedures. These would include tissue fixation, principles and
application of microtomy, embedding techniques, laboratory operations,
decalcification, solution preparation and processing.
Prerequisites: Admission into the Histology program.
Corequisites: MLTS 1310L.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1310L Histology I Lab
The course is a laboratory component complementary to MLTS 1310W. It is
utilized to develop entry-level skills required to perform non-staining histological
Prerequisite: Admission into the Histology program.
Corequisite: MLTS 1310W.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1320W Histology II
This course emphasizes the fundamentals and clinical significance of routine and
special histological staining procedures. The student will differentiate between
different classes of special stains performed in a histology laboratory.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Histology program.
Corequisite: MLTS 1320L
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1320L Histology II
The laboratory component of the course is utilized to develop skills required to
perform routine and special stains. Students will identify and provide clinical
correlation of routine and special stains.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Histology program.
Corequisite: MLTS 1320W.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1330 Histology III
Students practice histotechnology procedures in a supervised histology lab setting.
The laboratory component of the course is utilized to develop skills and
competencies required to perform routine and special histology procedures.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Histology program.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1340 Histology IV
This course is the practicum designed to enhance and refine techniques taught in
the first semester. Students are required to complete at least 300 clinical hours in
an approved affiliate histology laboratory. Orientation to department and
institutional policies and procedures is required.
Prerequisites: MLTS 1300, MLTS 1310L, MLTS 1310W, MLTS 1320L, MLTS
1320W, MLTS 1330.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: Spring, Summer.
1350 Histology V
A study of immunohistochemistry procedures and interpretations.
Prerequisites: MLTS 1300, MLTS 1310L, MLTS 1310W, MLTS 1320L, MLTS
1320W, MLTS 1330.
Offered: Spring, Summer.