NURS 4400 Community Health Nursing
This course provides a foundation in the practice of promoting and preserving the
health of populations. The adult learner will apply knowledge and skills from
nursing and the public health sciences to focus on health promotion and health
maintenance of individuals, families and groups within the community. Students
will identify opportunities to provide health care to clients in a variety of settings
based on concepts of client-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-
based practice, quality improvement, safety and informatics. Students will
participate in 60 hours of precepted practice in the clinical setting. Clinical
experiences occur in a variety of public health and community-oriented settings
and provide opportunities for population based nursing practice with vulnerable
Prerequisite: NURS 3200.
Offered: Every semester.
NURS 4800 Nursing Research
Nursing Research explores the research process and its relevance to nursing
practice. The primary focus is on the development of the student’s ability to be an
effective consumer of research with emphasis on the research process and its
applicability in their professional development.
Prerequisite: Admission into the RN to BSN Completion program
and MATH 2205.
Offered: Spring, Summer.
NURS 4900 Ethical Issues in Nursing
This course
focuses on ethical issues in health care by offering a thorough
understanding in ethical theories, principles, models and trends as reflected in
contemporary nursing practice. Case studies of ethical issues and dilemmas in
health care will provide the framework for ethical reasoning and decision-making.
Particular emphasis will be given to the resolution of ethical dilemmas through
moral and ethical reasoning to help bridge the gap between theory and nursing
Prerequisite: Admission into the RN to BSN Completion program.
Offered: Summer, Fall.
2290 Occupational Experience
(1-0-1); (2-0-2); (3-0-3)
Directed work experience with a business firm, government agency, or other
organization under the Cooperative Education program in an area of a student's
preparation and interest. Cooperative Education may or may not count toward
degree requirements. Check your program in the College catalog or seek help from
a faculty member in your plan of study department.
Prerequisite: Completion of 9 semester hours with a 2.00 GPA & approval of
Offered: All semesters.
ORGL 3000 Reflective Seminar I- eMajor only
Graded “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory.” An introduction of the major conceptual
frameworks for reflective learning that requires students to reflect on and document
their own assumptions, beliefs and biases and how they affected their prior
learning experience.
Restricted to BS-ORGL students.