2412 Occupational Therapy Seminar
Topics will include application skills for state licensure and national certification
along with preparation/review for national board exams.
Corequisites: OTAS 2410, OTAS 2420.
Prerequisites: OTAS 1100, OTAS 1105, OTAS 1111, OTAS 1121, OTAS 1131, OTAS
1132, OTAS 1140, ALHE 1145, OTAS 2200, OTAS 2260, ALHE 1104, ALHE 1120.
Offered: Fall.
2420 Fieldwork Experience Level II B
Full-time fieldwork experience following the completion of all didactic course work.
The fieldwork program involves students in experiences with clients, patients,
therapists and others in the health care community. Participation in Level II
fieldwork placements allows application of classroom theory and academic
knowledge base. The fieldwork will be available in various settings providing
opportunities for experience with diverse patient/client populations. The student
fieldwork intern will experience various service delivery models reflective of current
practice in the profession. Fieldwork internships are carried out in accordance with
contractual agreements with health care facilities. Level II fieldwork internships
are an integral part of the educational process and must be successfully completed
within 18 months of the end of the didactic course work.
Corequisites: OTAS 2410, OTAS 2412.
Prerequisite: Completion of all didactic course work; OTAS 1100, OTAS 1105,
OTAS 1111, OTAS 1121, OTAS 1131, OTAS 1132, OTAS 1140, OTAS 1145,
OTAS 2200, OTAS 2260, ALHE 1104, ALHE 1120.
Offered: Fall.
PARA 1110 Introduction to the Paralegal Profession
This course introduces the paralegal profession and the structure, function, and
procedures of the legal system. Courtroom procedures, preparation of documents,
case analysis, legal reasoning, career opportunities, certification, and professional
affiliations will be explored with an emphasis on issues of ethics and confidentiality.
A grade of “C” or better is required in all Paralegal Courses.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall.
PARA 1120 The Understanding of Law
This course provides an introduction to the substantive areas of law, including
contracts, property, torts, estates and probate, and criminal law, with an emphasis
on developing practical paralegal skills. Students will analyze complex factual
scenarios and will develop basic legal research and writing skills. A grade of “C”
or better is required in all Paralegal Courses.
Corequisite: PARA 1110 or permission of program director.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall.
1130 Legal Research and Writing
This course provides an introduction to legal research techniques using primary
and secondary authorities and writing various legal documents. Students will
develop legal research skills through the use of traditional resources and
computerized legal research software. Preparing and writing legal documents
relating to legal research will be emphasized. A grade of “C” or better is required
in all Paralegal Courses
Corequisite: PARA 1110 or permission of program director.
Offered: Spring.