1130 Applied Neurology & Gait Analysis
Basic neurophysiological concepts used as a foundation for understanding normal
and abnormal function. Theory and application of fundamental neuro-anatomy and
physical data collection techniques will be introduced. Normal and abnormal gait
concepts are covered. Part-time clinical experience will be included. Corequisites:
PTAS 1105, PTAS 1121, PTAS 2010.
Prerequisite: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1110, PTAS 1115, PTAS 1125.
Offered: Spring.
1135 Seminar for Physical Therapist Assistant I
Adaptation of psychosocial principles in the development of self-understanding
and communication with patients, families, the public and other health care teams.
Develops basic administrative skills in scheduling patients, patient charges,
explanation of reimbursement, important of incidence report, risk management and
continuous quality improvement. The Rules and Laws of the Georgia State Board
of Physical Therapy will be explored. Clinical professionalism is also emphasized
along with time management and professional development.
Corequisites: PTAS 1122, PTAS 2100, PTAS 2050.
Prerequisites: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1105, PTAS 1110, PTAS 1115, PTAS 1121,
PTAS 1125, PTAS 1130, PTAS 2010.
Offered: Summer.
2010 Clinical Practicum I
First full-time clinical experience in which students integrate component clinical
skills and prerequisite knowledge into a patient management framework.
Emphasis is on the development of critical thinking abilities, professional and
ethical behaviors, responsibility, and effective management of time and resources.
This practicum is 40 hours per week for 3 weeks.
Corequisites: PTAS 1105, PTAS 1121, PTAS 1130.
Prerequisites: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1110, PTAS 1115, PTAS 1125.
Offered: Spring.
2020 Clinical Practicum II
Second full-time clinical rotation in which the student gains additional experience
in a health care facility observing and practicing skills under the supervision of a
clinical instructor. The student will implement patient care utilizing knowledge from
all didactic coursework for critical thinking and problem-solving in the selection and
application of treatment interventions based on the physical therapist’s plan of
care. This practicum is 40 hours per week for 6 weeks.
Corequisites: PTAS 2025, PTAS 2200.
Prerequisites: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1105, PTAS 1110, PTAS 1115, PTAS 1121,
PTAS 1122, PTAS 1125, PTAS 1130, PTAS 1135, PTAS 2010, PTAS 2050, PTAS
Offered: Fall.