1000 Introduction to Radiography and Patient Care
Provides the student with an overview of radiography and patient care. Students
will be oriented to the radiographic profession as a whole. Emphasis will be placed
on patient care with consideration of both physical and psychological conditions.
Introduces a grouping of fundamental principles, practices, and issues common to
many specializations in the health care profession. In addition to the essential
skills, students explore various delivery systems and related issues. Topics
include: ethics, medical and legal considerations, Right to Know Law,
professionalism, basic principles of radiation protection and exposure, equipment
introduction, health care delivery systems, hospital and departmental organization,
pharmacology/contrast agents, media, OR and mobile procedures patient
preparation, death and dying, body mechanics/transportation, basic life
support/CPR and patient care in radiologic sciences.
Prerequisite: Program Admission.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Spring.
RADS 1020 Radiographic Procedures I
Introduces the knowledge required to perform radiologic procedures applicable to
the human anatomy. Emphasis will be placed on the production of quality
radiographs, and laboratory experience will demonstrate the application of
theoretical principles and concepts. Topics include: introduction to radiographic
imaging procedures; positioning terminology; positioning consideration;
procedures, anatomy, and topographical anatomy related to body cavities, bony
thorax and abdomen.
Prerequisites: ALHE 1120, ENGL 1101, BIOL 1100K, RADS 1000.
Corequisite: RADS 1220.
Offered: Summer.
RADS 1040 Radiographic Procedures II
Continues to develop the knowledge required to perform radiographic procedures.
Topics include: anatomy and routine projections of the upper extremities and
shoulder girdle; lower extremities; pelvic girdle; anatomy and routine projections of
the spine, ribs and sternum.
Prerequisites: RADS 1020, RADS 1220.
Corequisite: RADS 1230.
Offered: Fall.
RADS 1100 Principles of Radiation Biology and Protection
Provides instruction on the principles of cell radiation interaction. Radiation effects
on cells and factors affecting cell response are presented. Acute and chronic
effects of radiation are discussed. Topics include: radiation detection and
measurement, patient protection, personnel protection, absorbed dose
equivalencies, agencies and regulations, introduction to radiation biology, cell
anatomy, radiation/cell interaction, and effects of radiation.
Prerequisites: Program Admission and RADS 1000.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Summer.