The purpose of probation and suspension is to assure the wisest and most beneficial use
of the time and resources of both the student and the institution. It is the general requirement
of most four-year institutions that transfer students seeking admissions have a minimum
overall average of 2.0 © for all previous academic work attempted. Darton State College
probation and suspension policies must be construed as being congruent with such policies
of all other colleges.
Academic Warning
- A student will be placed on academic warning if their cumulative GPA
drops below the minimum grade point average required for the degree credit hours
( please see Degree Credit Hours Attempted/Minimum GPA required chart found under Academic Probation ).Following an academic warning if the student does not meet
the specified Credit Hours/GPA requirements, he/she will be placed on academic probation.
Academic Probation
-Two factors affect a student’s academic status. One is the cumulative
grade point average (GPA). This is computed by dividing the grade points earned at Darton
by the degree credit hours attempted at Darton. Courses, which carry no credit or
“institutional credit”, are not used in the GPA computation. The other factor, which affects a
student’s academic status, is he number of degree credit hours attempted at Darton. Only
degree credit hours are used to determine a student’s academic status.
(See also “Grade Point Average Computation”).Students will be placed on academic probation when they have attempted degree credit
hours shown in the left column in the following table and have not earned at least the grade
point average shown in the right column. For example, students who have attempted 31
credit hours and have a GPA of 1.79 or below will be placed on probation.
Degree Credit Hours Attempted Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA)
51 or more
*Prior to 31 hours, a student will be placed on Academic Warning if their cumulative GPA
falls between 0.00 and 1.99.
Removal of Academic Probation
- Students will be removed from academic probation
when their grade point average is raised to the level specified in the table above.
Continuation of Academic Probation
- Students who earn a 2.00 GPA during any
semester in which they are on probation, but do not raise their cumulative average sufficiently
to be removed from probation, will be continued on academic probation.
Academic Suspension
- Students on academic probation will be suspended for one
semester unless
1. They remove themselves from probation, or
2. They achieve a 2.00 GPA for the current semester.
After the first suspension, any subsequent suspension(s) will be for three semesters for
each suspension, also called Academic Dismissal.
Credits earned at another institution during a period of suspension may not be
subsequently transferred to Darton State College.
Students who re-enroll after a period of suspension will re-enroll on Academic Probation.