Associate degree, plus physical education requirements. The student must present at
least 25% of the total hours in a program of study, with a minimum of 18 semester hours
of academic work for a transfer associate degree.
- The student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (C) on
all work presented to meet graduation requirements of Darton State College. In addition,
students have to earn a “C” or better in English 1101 and English 1102.
- The student must satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum or
complete a specific program of study. All candidates are required to satisfy the provision of
the Georgia State Code 32-706 as amended by the General Assembly, which requires all
candidates for a degree to pass either a course in or an appropriate examination on the
history of the United States, the history of Georgia, the United States Constitution, and the
Constitution of Georgia. These requirements may be met by successfully completing
American Government, POLS 1101, or taking an exemption exam as explained below:
To take an exemption exam and receive credit, the student must:
1. Be currently enrolled at Darton State College.
2. Call (229-317-6560)
3. Score 70% or higher on the exam.
4. Pass on the first attempt.
For Divisional Challenge Tests (complete course exempt exam)
HIST 2111 Study any American History book through 1877. (200
questions, 3 hours allowed)
HIST 2112 Study any American History book after 1877 to the present.
(200 questions, 3 hours allowed)
POLS 1101 Study any U.S. Government text. Also study the appropriate
book on reserve in the library for POLS 1101, specifically focus on the
Georgia Government section. Also visi
t www.georgia.govand review the
government sections and state constitution.
FOR OTHER SUBJECTS - Study an appropriate textbook (i.e. from the
college bookstore, local bookstore, and library) on the subject.
Critical Thinking
- Competency in critical thinking will be required of all transfer
degrees of Darton State College. This requirement may be fulfilled by satisfactory completion
of one of the following courses: COMM 1000 Cultural Diversity in Communication, COMM
1100 Human Communications, or COMM 1110 Public Speaking.
- Additional graduation requirements may be imposed on students in career
Competency in Fitness/Wellness
- A competency in fitness/wellness will be required
of all graduates of Darton State College with the exception of those excluded by program
requirements, special contracts and certificate programs.
The College awards diplomas for degree recipients and certificates for successful
completion of certain programs. Graduates must participate in the formal graduation exercise
or must petition the Registrar for permission to graduate in absentia.
1. Accounting Recipients. In addition to College graduation requirements, accounting
students must have a minimum grade of “C” in each Accounting course.
2. Business Computer System Recipients. In addition to College graduation