4. The student is expected to assume responsibility for his/her own health in the event of illness,
accident, or exposure to communicable disease. Evidence of health insurance is required upon
admission to the nursing program. Students who do not have health insurance must purchase a USG
student health insurance policy (SHIP). Fees for the USG SHIP will be added to student tuition each
semester. Students who are already covered by an insurance policy (i.e., through parent plans, family
plans, or employer-sponsored plans) can easily opt out of the plan by applying for a waiver through a
secure online process. Once the information has been verified and approved, a waiver will be
processed and posted to the student’s Darton State College student account. The waiver is only
available for a specific time frame; therefore, students must apply in a timely fashion or they will be
billed for the USG SHIP. Students must reapply for the waiver each semester to avoid being charged
for the USG SHIP. Students who fail to submit credible health insurance and opt out online will
automatically be enrolled in and billed for the system-wide student health insurance plan. This
charge will post to the Darton State College student account. For more information regarding the
student health insurance plan or to submit a waiver, see
: https://studentcenter.uhcsr.com/darton .5. Professional liability insurance is also required and is included in student fees.
6. Students must have a grade of C or better in all nursing courses. More than one D and/or F in
nursing courses will result in dismissal from the program for a period of three calendar years
• After waiting for this period of time, students will be allowed to reapply for admission to Darton’s
nursing program (traditional track). Upon acceptance, the student will be required to begin the
program in NURS 1101.
• Students who are dismissed from the nursing program due to excessive Ds and/or Fs may return
to the nursing program (traditional track) after completing a LPN or paramedic program and working
for a minimum of one year.
7. ASN students who are not enrolled in nursing courses for more than one semester must challenge
previously completed courses to validate current knowledge and skills of the content. This includes
all nursing courses with the exception of NURS 2117 (Leadership).
8. Students advancing to NURS 1111 must have successfully completed NURS 1105 within the
previous two semesters.
9. A WF is considered F. Students who fail a nursing course must repeat both the theory and clinical
components of the course. Students will be re-admitted to the course based on space available.
10. Students are required to maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in order to remain
in the nursing program.
11. Students must successfully complete the
American Heart Association’s
BLS for Healthcare
Provider Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Course before or during NURS 1101/1301 and must be
maintained throughout enrollment and updated as necessary. Students must receive permission from
their course instructor(s) prior to selection of the CPR course.
12. Any nursing course presented for graduation that was completed three calendar years or more
prior to anticipated date of graduation must be successfully challenged or repeated for credit.
13. ASN students must have completed all core courses required in the nursing program prior to
enrolling in the last semester (NURS 2115) of the nursing program.
14. Darton State College students seeking a degree no longer have to take the Regents’ Test in order
to graduate. Darton State College was granted Regents’ Test exemption status; this means that the
skills measured by the Regents’ Test are measured within the core curriculum. Specifically, at