Darton State College, a student is considered to have met the Regents’ Testing requirements by
earning a grade of C or better in both ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102. A student who takes ENGL
1101 and/or ENGL 1102 and does not earn a C or better is required to re-enroll in the class the
following semester. The student will also be required to complete the Intensive Composition and
Reading Review workshop concurrently with the repeated ENGL 1101/ENGL 1102 course.
15. Students will demonstrate clinical competency of 100% accuracy in computation of medication
dosages in NURS 1111, NURS 1112, NURS 1311, NURS 2111, NURS 2311, NURS 2113, NURS
2313, and NURS 2115. At the minimum, a student must demonstrate 100% accuracy on one
written/computer evaluation of dosage calculations each semester. A maximum of three
opportunities per semester will be provided to score 100% proficiency. The first three math exams
will occur prior to the last day to withdraw from a course without penalty (drop day). Prior to each
subsequent math exam (math exam 2 and/or 3), students will be required to spend three hours in ATI
math remediation (or other approved remediation tools as assigned by your instructor), and submit a
remediation plan, including strengths and weaknesses. Failure to do the required math remediation
or submit a remediation plan will result in an inability to take the math exam.
16. The Department of Nursing reserves the right to discontinue, at any time, the enrollment of a
nursing student if, in the judgment of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the nursing
faculty, the student does not demonstrate the necessary qualifications for a nursing career. This
includes, for example, cheating in any form, unprofessional conduct, violation of Darton State
College’s student code of conduct and/or any behavior/conduct deemed unbecoming of a Darton
nursing student.
17. The faculty, staff, and students in health care programs shall uphold professional and ethical
18. A student may withdraw
only once
from any given nursing course and
no more
than two times
throughout the duration of the nursing program.
19. Core performance standards* for admission and progression in the nursing program are:
• Critical-thinking ability sufficient for clinical judgment as evidenced by the ability to identify the
cause/effect relationships in clinical situation, and develop nursing care plans.
• Interpersonal abilities sufficient for interaction with individuals, families, and groups from
various social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds as evidenced by the ability to
establish rapport with patient/clients and colleagues.
• Communication abilities sufficient for verbal and written interaction with others as evidenced by
the ability to explain treatment procedures, initiate health teaching, and document and interpret
nursing actions and patient/client responses.
• Physical abilities sufficient for movement from room to room and in small spaces as evidenced by
the ability to move in a patient’s room, work spaces, and treatment areas and administer
cardiopulmonary procedures.
• Gross and fine motor abilities sufficient for providing safe, effective nursing care as evidenced by
the ability to calibrate and use equipment and position patients/clients.
• Auditory ability sufficient for monitoring and assessing health needs as evidenced by the ability
to hear monitor alarm, emergency signals, auscultatory sounds, and cries for help.
• Visual ability sufficient for observation and assessment necessary in nursing care as evidenced by
the ability to observe patient/client responses.
• Tactile ability sufficient for physical assessment as evidenced by the ability to perform palpation,
functions of physical examination, and/or those related to therapeutic intervention such as insertion
of a catheter.