2200 Professional Practices, Portfolio Preparation & Review
This is a course designed to prepare the student for entry into the business of commercial
and fine art. The skills learned are applicable to any specialty in the field of commercial
and fine art. The course is composed of lectures concerning the business of commercial
and fine art, visiting lecturers who are specialists in their field, field trips to a variety of
art establishments, research into the requirements and expectations of potential
employers, clients, galleries and museums and directed preparation of each student’s
professional portfolio.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Spring.
2210 Video
This lab course introduces students to basic video production techniques and provides a
theoretical, analytical, technical, and aesthetic approach to the pre-production,
production, and post-production of videography. Lectures and practical exercises in
camera operation, lighting, sound, scriptwriting, storyboarding, directing, and studio and
site preparation will be covered. Each student will produce three short videos in
preparation for editing.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: ART 2230.
Offered: Fall.
2230 Video Editing
This course introduces basic video editing and trimming, customizing and capturing
images, video and audio effects and audio mixing, multi-camera editing and titling.
Emphasis is placed on Final Cut Pro software and its operation, techniques, and
aesthetics. Students will explore a range of both fine art and commercial editing
applications. Students will be required to produce and present a digital portfolio.
Prerequisite: ART 2150 or permission of the instructor or consent of the Department
Corequisite: ART 2210.
Offered: On demand.
2280 Art History I
This lecture course explores the history of the visual arts from the Prehistoric Period
through Northern Renaissance. Topics include a study of the visual arts, painting,
sculpture, architecture, and related arts, against the background of cultural, political, and
economic development.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall & Spring
2285 Art History II
This lecture course explores the history of the visual arts from the Baroque Period
through the twentieth century with primary focus on epochs of Western art history.
Topics include painting, architecture, sculpture, and design.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall & Spring
1100K Human Anatomy/ Physiology for the Health Care Professional
This course is a survey of general principles of human anatomy and physiology with an
emphasis on medical applications. It is restricted to students in Health Science programs
or requires the consent of the Department Dean. Laboratory exercises supplement the
lecture material.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into co-
requisite remediation or higher. Offered: All semesters.