2255 Personal Selling
Includes principles of selling with practical applications such as careers in sales, sales
psychology, sales techniques and customer service. Covers concepts and techniques of
making an effective sales presentation from prospecting to follow-up.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into co-
requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: Every other summer - even years.
CHEM 1151K Introductory Chemistry
This course covers the basic principles of chemistry including atomic structure, bonding,
solution chemistry, organic chemistry and a brief introduction to biochemistry.
Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material. Cannot be used with CHEM 1211
or PHSC 1012 to satisfy Area D.
Prerequisites: Completion or exemption of all learning support English requirements;
MATH 0099, MATH 0987, MATH 0989, or satisfactory math scores to place into co-
requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: All semesters.
CHEM 1211K Principles of Chemistry I
First course in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental principles and
applications of chemistry designed for science plans of study. Topics to be covered
include composition of matter, nomenclature, stoichiometry, solution chemistry, gas
laws, thermochemistry, quantum theory and electronic structure, periodic relations, and
bonding. Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material. Cannot be used with
CHEM 1151K or PHSC 1012K to satisfy Area D.
Prerequisites: Completion or exemption of all learning support requirements.
Corequisites: MATH 1111 or satisfactory math scores to place into MATH 1112 or
Offered: All semesters.
CHEM 1212K Principles of Chemistry II
Second course in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental principles and
applications of chemistry designed for science plans of study. Topics include molecular
structure, intermolecular forces, properties of solutions, reaction kinetics and equilibria,
thermodynamics, and electro-and nuclear chemistry. Laboratory exercises supplement
the lecture material.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1211K.
Offered: All semesters.
CHEM 2240K Principles of Organic Chemistry I
This course will cover the properties, methods of preparation and mechanisms of the
principle classes of carbon compounds. Laboratory instruction will include basic
techniques for preparation, purification and identification of organic compounds.
Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1212K.
Offered: Summer, Fall.
CHEM 2241K Principles of Organic Chemistry II
This is a continuation of CHEM 2240K. Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture
material. Prerequisite: CHEM 2240K.
Offered: Spring, Summer.