DANC 1400 Dance Production
Introduction to technical aspects of dance productions, including the technical vocabulary
required to communicate with theatre technicians in the areas of sound and lighting.
Exploration of all the basic aspects of dance production, including music, costuming,
programming, and management.
Prerequisites: None.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: Spring.
1600 Dance Improvisation
Dance Improvisation explores movement initiated through various sources, including
internal motivation. This course emphasizes individual and group interaction within
structured and free improvisational situations for the purpose of developing the student’s
creative approach to composing and performing.
Prerequisites: None.
Corequsites: None.
Offered: Fall.
1740 Modern Dance I
Modern Dance I introduces elementary modern dance technique and vocabulary.
Techniques basic to this dance form plus somatic and motional properties as they relate to
dance are emphasized. Special emphasis is placed on dynamic alignment, sensing and
activating weight in the body, body awareness, increasing the student’s ease and range of
motion, balance, coordination and personal expression. Movement explorations take
place on the floor, standing, and in sequenced movements through space. This course
may be used as a PE activity course.
Prerequisites: None.
Corequsites: None.
Offered: All semesters.
1750 Modern Dance II
Modern Dance II continues the development of modern dance technique and vocabulary.
Special emphasis is placed on intermediate-level dynamic alignment, sensing &
activating weight in the body, body awareness, increase the student’s ease and range of
motion, balance, coordination and personal expression. Movement explorations take
place on the floor, standing, and in sequenced movements through space. This course
may be used as a PE activity course.
Prerequisites: DANC 1740 or permission of instructor.
Corequsites: None.
Offered: All semesters.
DANC 1760 Modern Dance III
This course continues the development of modern dance technique and vocabulary
including somatic and motional properties as they relate to dance. Emphasis is placed on
advanced-level integration of rhythms, dynamics, alignment, body awareness, balance,
coordination and personal expression.
Prerequisites: Modern II DANC 1750 and/or permission from instructor.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: All semesters.