EMTP 1134 Special Populations
This course includes material from the Medical and Special Considerations Modules of
the current National EMS Education Standard. It includes the following topics: anatomy
and physiology of the female reproductive system, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding,
rape, and physiology of pregnancy, fetology, normal and abnormal labor and delivery,
and post-partum complications. The ITLS approach to trauma in pregnancy is
emphasized. In addition, determination of the APGAR scoring and care of the high-risk
neonates is included. Pediatric assessment, developmental stages, family assessment and
management, respiratory emergencies, child safety, trauma, dehydration, shock, infant
and child BLS and ALS, neurologic emergencies, SIDS, child abuse, and care of children
with special needs. Students must complete the emergency pediatric care course as well
as the geriatric education for EMS (GEMS) course.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the EMS program.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Fall.
0989 Foundations for English Composition
Foundations for English Composition, prepares students for college-level reading and
writing. Using paired reading and writing assignments that help students work with
concepts in context, students will build competency in recognizing, comprehending, and
using appropriate grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and structure in sentences,
paragraphs and essays. Given the varied needs of the students in this course, skill
development will be individualized as much as possible through the use of diagnostic and
development tools in conjunction with analysis of assigned readings and the composition
and examination of students’ own writing.
Prerequisites: Scores on English or reading placement exams that require the student to
register for foundations-level learning support coursework.
Corequisites: None.
0999 Support for English Composition
Support for English Composition
assists students with college-level reading and writing
required in ENGL 1101. The course will focus on additional support for ENGL 1101
assignments and will require additional assignments in research writing, citation
procedures, revision, reading comprehension, and essay construction. Students will also
build competency in using appropriate grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and structure
in sentences, paragraphs, and essays through individualized assignments.
Prerequisites: Scores on English or reading placement exams that require the student to
register for co-requisite-level learning support coursework.
Corequisites: ENGL 1101
1101 English Composition I
ENGL 1101 is a composition course focusing on skills required for effective writing in a
variety of contexts, with emphasis on exposition, analysis, argumentation and on a
variety of research skills. This course emphasizes the development of thought and
expression through personal, informative and persuasive essays. The course is concerned
largely with the composing process involving substantial reading and analysis of ideas in
preparation for written assignments. ENGL 1101 promotes the development of reading,
speaking, listening and thinking. In addition, the course includes study of grammar and
punctuation as needed. Exit requirements: a minimum of a C average on course work.
Prerequisites: READ 0099, ENGL 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to
place into co-requisite remediation or higher.