0071 Basic Grammar
This course focuses on basic English grammatical concepts and skills, including parts of
speech, spelling, punctuation, word order, and sentence building.
Placement: Placement from ESOL skills assessment test.
Offered: On demand.
0081 Intermediate Grammar
This course is designed to develop the students’ understanding of and skills at using
essential grammatical structures of Standard English in writing. It provides a review of
lexical and syntactic features of the parts of speech, phrases, clauses, and the concepts of
coordination and subordination as well as grammatical trouble spots such as the idiomatic
use of prepositions, verbals, and articles. It includes paragraph writing and editing in
preparation for the essay process.
Placement: ESLG 0071 with a grade of C or better or a qualifying score on the ESOL
skills assessment test.
Offered: On demand.
0091 Advanced Grammar
This course is designed to enhance the students’ understanding of and skills at using
advanced syntactic structures correctly and effectively in writing. It provides a review of
compound and complex sentence patterns of Standard Written English as well as
grammar trouble spots according to individual and class needs.
Placement: ESLG 0081 with a grade of C or better or a qualifying score on the ESOL
skills assessment test.
Offered: On demand.
0095 Writing
This course focuses on refining organizational and editing skills and individual needs of
the students who need only to pass the Departmental Essay Competency Exam in order to
exit the writing portion of the ESL Program.
Offered: On demand.
0070 Basic Listening and Speaking
The course focuses on comprehending and conducting brief conversations supported by
clues in context, as well as letter and word pronunciation.
Placement: Placement from ESOL skills assessment test.
Offered: On demand.
0080 Intermediate Listening and Speaking
This course focuses on producing and understanding conversations about self, basic
academic and/or occupational interests and situations, and multiple verb tenses.
Placement: ESLL 0070 with a grade of C or better or a qualifying score on the ESOL
skills assessment test.
Offered: On demand.
0090 Advanced Listening and Speaking
This course focuses on complex discussions and understanding of academic, social,
and/or business lectures. Advanced idiomatic expressions, inferences, and emotional
overtones are studied, as well as shifts in registers, reductions, blends, and American
Culture protocols.
Placement: ESLL 0080 with a grade of C or better or a qualifying score on the ESOL
skills assessment test.
Offered: On demand.