HADM 4401 Health Care Compliance - eMajor Only
This course provides a comprehensive overview of health law, which his relevant to
students seeking the basic management skills required to work in health care
organizations, and students currently working in health care. The course will focus on an
overview of specific health laws and affordable health care to producers of medical
products and the future of health care in the US. The course concludes with a summary of
improved medical technologies and the future of personalized health care.
HADM 4402 Health Information Management- eMajor Only
A study of recordkeeping practices in the hospital and physician’s office. Emphasis is
placed on hospital and medical staff organization, patient record content, procedures in
filling, numbering and retention of patient records, quantitative analysis, release of
patient information, forms control and design, indexes and register, reimbursement,
regulatory and accrediting agencies, and alternative health care delivery systems.
1111 Survey of World History I
A survey of world history from the prehistoric period to the early modern period.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into co-
requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1112 Survey of World History II
A survey of world history from the early modern period to the present.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into co-
requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
2111 U.S. History Through 1877
A survey of U.S. History to the post-Civil War period.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into co-
requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: All semesters.
2112 U.S. History After 1877
A survey of U.S. History from the post-Civil War period to the present.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into co-
requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: All semesters.
2100 Health Record Content & Structure
(Online Course Only)
The basic concepts and techniques for managing and maintaining health record systems
including storage and retrieval, the use and structure of healthcare data and data sets,
quantitative and qualitative analysis of healthcare data, forms design, release of
information, function of indexes and registers and the accreditation, certification and
licensure standards applicable to healthcare data.
Prerequisite: ENGL 1102, BIOL 2111K/2112K and acceptance into the Health
Information Technology Program.
Offered: Fall.