2260 Clinical Imaging VI
Provides students with continued hospital setting experience. Students demonstrate
increased proficiency levels in skills introduced in all of the imaging procedures courses
and practiced in previous clinical imaging courses. Topics include: patient care,
behavioral and social competency, advanced radiographic anatomy, equipment
utilization, exposure techniques, sterile techniques, and integration of procedures and/or
observation of angiographic, interventional, minor special procedures, integration of
procedures and/or observation of special equipment use, integration of procedures and/or
observation of routine and special radiographic procedures and final completion of all
required clinical competencies. Execution of imaging procedures will be conducted under
direct and indirect supervision.
Prerequisite: RADS 2250.
Corequisite: RADS 2150.
Offered: Fall.
1100 Introduction to Respiratory Care
This course introduces students to the Respiratory Care profession and the skills needed
to become a Respiratory Therapist. Topics will include the history of the Respiratory
Care profession, and a discussion of the future of Respiratory Care. A description of the
organization of a hospital Respiratory Care department and an overview of common
modalities and specialized areas of Respiratory Care including an introduciton to
Therapist driven protocols and clinical practice guidelines. A discussion of job
opportunities and areas for advancement within the profession. An overview of legal and
ethical issues impacting Health Care, and particularly Respiratory Care, in today’s Health
Care environment. Universal precautions and OSHA blood and body fluids precautions
will be presented. The functions of the NBRC, AARC, CoARC and the Georgia Medical
Board will be examined and the credentialing and licensing processes outlined.
Corequisite: RESP 1111, RESP 1131, RESP 1133, RESP1134.
Prerequisite: Completion or exemption of all Learning Support requirements.
Offered: Fall Semester Sophomore Year, Spring Semester.
1111 Fundamentals of Respiratory Care
This course introduces the principles and practices of Non Critical Respiratory Care. The
course will emphasize the use of Therapist Driven Protocols and Clinical Practice
Guidelines. Basic Respiratory Care skills in modalities such as oxygen, humidity, bland
aerosol, medicated aerosol, passive hyperinflation, chest physiotherapy, postural
drainage, airway clearance therapies, arterial blood gases and bedside pulmonary function
studies will be developed. Emphasis will be placed on setting up, using and
troubleshooting equipment, and on the physical and physiologic principles of gas
exchange, ventilation, acid/base balance and gas laws. To progress to RESP 2201, each
student will be required to successfully complete and pass a Lab competency exam.
Basic math competency is required. Students may be required to demonstrate proficiency
in basic math skills for progression in the program, A passing score of “C” or better is
required for progression in the program. The American Heart Association Basic Life
Support course will be included in this course.
Corequisite: RESP 1100, RESP 1131, RESP 1133, RESP1134.
Prerequisites: Admission into Respiratory Care Program.
Offered: Fall Semester Sophomore Year, Spring Semester.