1100 Science, Technology, & Society
This is an interdisciplinary study of the role of science and technology in society and
daily life. Emphasis will be placed upon current advances and political and social
Prerequisites: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into
corequisite remediation or higher.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
2000K Principles of Research Methodology
This course is designed to teach students studying in science the basic principles of
performing a scientific research project. Each student will identify a problem, perform a
literature search, design and perform an experiment, analyze data and present the results.
Prerequisites: BIOL 1108K, CHEM 1212K, PHYS 1112K or consent of Division Dean.
Offered: Spring, by demand.
1100 Introduction to Polysomnography
A course designed to provide students with an overview of the operation of a sleep lab
and the skills needed for a career in the polysomnography field. Students will observe
the set up, monitoring, and evaluation of sleep studies conducted in the sleep lab.
Prerequisite: Completion of exemption of all learning support requirements.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: As needed.
1101 Polysomnography I
This course introduces the principles and practices of polysomnography. Topics covered
in the course include: The history of sleep medicine and the development of current
sleep study techniques, conducting a patient sleep history, physiological aspects of sleep,
identificaiton of sleep stages, identification and diagnosis of sleep disorders, patient
preparation, equipment setup and calibration, recording and monitoring techniques,
documentation and professional issues pertaining to the field of polysomnography. The
lab portion of the course will provide students hands on practice in the skills required in
the sleep lab.
Prerequisites: SLEP 1100, MATH 1001 or higher math, BIOL 1100K, and acceptance
into the program.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: As needed.
1102 Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Phy. for Polysomnography
A course designed to develop knowledge of normal cardiopulmonary anatomy and
physiology and the pathophysiology needed by personnel employed in a sleep lab.
Topics covered include: breathing, respiration, gas exchange, oxygen uptake and
delivery mechanisms. Anatomy of the cardiovascular system including the blood, blood
vessels and heart. The application and interpretation of basic ECG’s and the recognition
of arrhythmias. Physiology of the cardiovascular system including cardiac contraction,
the concepts of preload, afterload and contractillity.
Prerequisite: Admission into the program.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: As needed.