All currently enrolled students are eligible to participate in Advising /Early Registration.
Students are strongly encouraged to register during this phase. Students will be notified via
r Darton email account with more details approximately one week prior to the beginning
of Advising/Early Registration. Students must first meet with their advisor to go over their
program of study and detail their courses for the next semester. Once this has been
determined, the web hold is temporarily lifted so the student can web register. More
detailed information can be found on the website at
http://www.darton.edu/current/registration_procedures.phpReadmitted students whose files are complete will be invited to register during this time
as well. Invitations will be mailed to eligible students.
Three weeks during each semester is designated as Advising/Early Registration week,
and currently enrolled students may, at this time, register for classes for the upcoming
semester. Academic advisors are available during this time to assist students with their
schedules, and each currently enrolled student is strongly encouraged to seek advising/early
registration. Details concerning advising/early registration and fee payment are distributed
during the week of advising/early registration.
Should the student find it necessary to withdraw from Darton State College after
completing registration, the student should contact his/her academic advisor for assistance
in completing the official withdrawal form or if no academic advisor is assigned, see the
division office of his/her plan of study. The completed form should be returned to the
Registrar’s Office for final processing. Personnel in that office will process a request for
refund of fees, if applicable. For refund percentages,
see the refund schedule outlined in the catalog and semester schedule .In those cases where students are withdrawn by College action for cause (non-payment
of fees, returned check, disciplinary action, disruptive behavior, failure to fulfill all admissions
requirements, etc.), the forms necessary for withdrawal will be initiated by the appropriate
College official, and the students will be notified in writing of the action. Students withdrawn
by College action as described above will automatically receive the grade of “W.”
Students may withdraw from the College with a grade of “W” prior to the mid-semester
date. After this time, a grade of “WF” will be recorded unless the students can provide
evidence to the Vice President for Academic Affairs that there are extenuating circumstances
surrounding the withdrawal.
After the late registration day each semester, students withdrawing from an individual
course should contact their academic advisors for assistance in completing the official drop
form. No refunds are issued for dropping individual courses.
A student may be administratively withdrawn from the College when in the judgment of the
Vice President for Student Affairs, and after consultation with the student's parents and
personal physician, if any, it is determined that the student suffers from a physical, mental,
emotional, or psychological health condition which (a) poses a significant danger or threat of
physical harm to the student or to the person or property of others; or (b) causes the student
to interfere with the rights of other members of the college community or with the exercise of
any proper activities or functions of the college or its personnel; or (c) causes the student to
be unable to meet institutional requirements for admission and continued enrollment as
defined in the student conduct code and other publications of the College.
Except in emergency situations, a student shall upon request be accorded an appropriate
hearing prior to a final decision concerning his or her continued enrollment at the College.